Our focus is to provide solutions to your clients. WE Direct Lending offers creative solutions to help you close your deals.

Our team can help with traditional private money needs such as:

1) Bridge Lending
2) Fix and Flips
3) Complex Borrowers(Business owners, etc.)
4) Bad Credit but plenty of equity.
5)Construction Loans

Additionally we can help you uncover new sources of monies to buy Real Estate and to create new opportunities for your clients by providing financing for estates, trusts, and tax strategies such as:

1) IRA, Roth IRA and 401k Real Estate Lending
2) Charitable Trust lending
3) Family Foundation lending
4) Bridge Lending for 1031 transactions

Please attend our periodic workshops for realtors both teaching many of these powerful concepts and providing you the expertise and resources needed for you clients to seamlessly execute the strategies. Quite simply, we are here to help and to become a valued partner with you and your team.

Contact Us!

WE Direct Lending is comprised of reputable business experts with illustrious experience in the financing industry. We promote the principle of financial inclusion, safe lending for the borrowers, and excellent opportunities for investors. We also aim to provide simple and convenient financing for borrowers, realtors, and mortgage brokers.

Contact Information

3001 Douglas Blvd Suite 142 Roseville, CA 95661

[email protected]
